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Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm baaaaack! >:D + Little Inferno (PC) Review

Hi guys! Long time no see. Pérez finally reporting back for duty. Sorry I've been absent this past months, but this last university period was HORRIBLE for me. So far, it's my worst period. Happily, I managed to approve all my assignements (you can ask Judini how bad I was doing in a class). I approved my worst class thanks to its laboratory which represents 40% of the class's grade and I managed to score 34 in the lab :D I ended up finishing approving with a 64%, which is pretty dissapointing for me because I entered the period aiming for at least an 80%. Well, I hope I do better next period. It was kind of ironic for me that my best class was General Chemistry and I initially thought that it was going to be my worst class thanks to the lame Chemistry I received in my school XD

So, off-topics aside, I'm going to review Tomorrow Corporation's latest game, Little Inferno. You can find it for PC (which is the one I totally got legally... yeah right...XD) and Wii U. The Mac and Linux version are still in development.

General Aspects
Developer: Tomorrow Corporation
Release Date: November 18, 2012 (Wii U America), November 19, 2012 (PC), and November 30, 2012 (Wii U Europe).
Genre: Puzzle
Rating: T

The game is basically about a kid who lives apparently by himself in a house. For some unknown reason, it has been snowing non-stop for a lot of time (so long that the inhabitants of the city can't recall since when it has been snowing). The kid gets a Little Inferno Enterntainment Fireplace from the Tomorrow Corporation.
The story is nice, but has its dark moments. There was a point where I was like O_______O
The game's story isn't the most important aspect of the game. For most of the game, you'll ignore it and continue to burn stuff. It's a nice and simple plot that won't win a prize, but its originality and dark twists sure are things that will stick with you.
Score: 7.5/10

The gameplay is very simple. You buy stuff, wait a few seconds to minutes for it to get delivered, and then burn it in your chimney. Simple as that. When you burn things, you'll get coins back so you can continue buying more stuff. Sometimes you'll also get some coupons that if you're desperate for your stuff to arrive fast, you can use them to instantly receive whatever you purchased. You also get to burn one-eyed spiders and I guess that some kind of flying one-eyed spider (I sincerely don't know how to describe it) O.O You also have to make some combinations of objects (combos) that you'll burn in order to get more catalogs (you buy stuff from the catalogs).
Since it's a simple gameplay and works perfectly, I can only give it a 10, because like I said, it works perfectly. I sincerely can't think of a way to improve the gameplay.
Score: 10/10

In the sound effects part, the game has really cool sound effects. It's great to hear children burnig alive and screaming (yes, you read correctly XD). The fire sounds completely real, so real that I feel that I'm camping with my scout group. You also get to hear various sound effects. Every object that you can burn, makes a different sound when they're burning. You'll get from screaming children, to fireworks, to explosions, etc.
In the music part, it almost nonexistent. I can only remember four songs on the entire game, which three were only background music when you read letters. I will make a distinction with the theme song of the game. It's simply great *-*
Score: 8/10

The game obviously doesn't have Crysis 3-like graphics, but thats okay. Not all games have to be realistic. The game's graphics work perfectly for the game. You have cartoon-like graphics most of the time can also see to 8-bit graphics with some of the objects you burn. Fire kinda looks realistic.
The art style, like I said, works perfectly with the game. It helps set the mood of the game. I believe that they work so good, that if the game was made with realistic graphics, I would doubt that it would have the same impact.
Score: 10/10

Replay Value
Well, since this game is a single-player game, you would think that it won't have a big replay value, but you're wrong. The game is very short, but with the combos you have to make, the experience extends a lot. It's necesarry for you to achieve a certain amount of combos to continue advancing. I think that with just the necessary amount of combos, you could finish the game in 4 hours, but if you decide to achieve them all, it will take you a few more hours. I finished the game with all its 99 combos in 6 hours and 45 minutes. I can't say if all combos are difficult, since I had the bad luck of downloading the Spanish (Spanish from Spain) version, so some combos' names were really strange and difficult to guess how to make them (especially since Spain's Spanish is different from Honduras's and the game had some words that only Spanish people use). The main source of replay value is the game itself. In the beginning, the game tells you that there are no highscores, awards, etc., and that's the magic behind the game: you only have to burn stuff. After you've finshed the game, you can go back and and continue to burn more stuff and feed your pyromaniac soul (I definitely have one XD).
Score: 8/10

Little Inferno is a short but awesome game. It will get repetitive for some people, but it will always be calming for others. The game is only USD $15, so I recommend you to get it.
Final Score: 9/10

I hope you give the game an opportunity :D

Disclaimer: None of the images used in the review belong to me nor any member of the blog.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mystery Duelist (Fanfic) Ep.3

Yo people of the Underworld, R. Jaggerjaquez here, sorry I've been kinda inactive but you know... I was kinda waiting for the feedback and then I noticed the feedback was sent to my mail rather than on the comment section below  -_- So after reading that I saw that you people kinda agreed to me posting the links to older creepys so as to avoid repeating the content, so that shall be done :3

On other news, I got addicted to League of Legends (aka LoL) and that's kinda the reason I didn't checked my mail xD anyways I'm still like level 22 or so, but if you want to play with me or anything, you can add me up my summoner name is (wait for it) XDNightmare (totally didn't expected it did you? xD)

Also, I recently got my hands on a fight stick :3 So I'm kinda practicing with it :P So if you wish to challenge me, feel free to add me PSN: XDNightmare, you can challenge me to Mortal Kombat 9, Soul Calibur IV, Soul Calibur V or Naruto Shipuuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (or UNS 2 if you wish), becuz they're kinda the only fighting games I could afford as of now xDD

So anyways, now since I can't keep track of the Pokégod thingy, I'll have to work with what I have :( So I'll deliver it to you yet incomplete.... something I didn't want to do, but ohh well so sad :(

Now since I think I already left you with too much to think about, I'll deliver episode 3 of my fanfic "Mystery Duelist" also giving you some tracks to follow along to make it a little more interesting :P So here we go, I'll take you on a wild ride!! Also if you haven't read this series, here are the links:
Link 1:
Link 2:

Zmoke: My turn. Draw. Normal summon, Technomancer Beast (Atribute Earth, Type Machine, Level 4, 1700 ATK/1000 DEF) in attack position.
A mechanical cerberus-like monster appeared on the field, leaving out a menacing roar before fixing its gaze at Power-Tool Dragon.
Zmoke: 4-card set. Turn concluded.
Four set cards appeared in Zmoke's field as its turn ended.
Luna: My turn, draw!

Luna's hand contains Sunlight Unicorn, Kuribon, Ancient Forest, Monster Reborn, Messenger of Peace and she drew Regulus.
Luna: Ok, I summon Regulus (1700 ATK/1000 DEF) in attack mode!
Regulus appears with a roar, as he nods at Luna, and she smiles.
Luna: Now I activate Messenger of Peace from my hand, now no monsters with more then 1500 ATK can declare battle so long as I pay 100 life points each of my stand-by phases.
Zmoke: Reverse card open, Mystical Space Typhoon, this card allows me to destroy one of your spell or trap cards. I choose Messenger of Peace.
A wild typhoon appears from Zmoke's played card as it went on to destroy Messenger of Peace on Luna's side of the field.
Luna: Ack!
Leo: Don't worry Luna, I'll protect you!
Luna: Thanks Leo.
Leo kept smiling at Luna while holding his thumb up in order to make her feel safer.
Luna: I end my turn!
Dragon smirks as he readies himself to start his turn.
Yusei: I don't like this...
Aki: Yusei, is everything ok?
Yusei: This duelist named Dragon.... what does he seek with this?
Jack: He'll just be another one to feel the king's wrath!
Yusei: I don't know if the kids can handle this...
Crow: Don't worry Yusei, Leo and Luna are capable duelists, they'll overcome this...
Yusei: Yeah... Leo, don't let your guard down!
Leo: I know! Bring it Dragon!
Luna (to herself): What will happen... if we lose?
Dragon: Ikuze! (Let's go!) Ore no tan! Dorovu! (My turn! Draw!)
Crow: What's up with this guy??
Yusei: He's... trying to speak... japanese?
Dragon: Hey, I can hear you...
Jack: Stop fooling around!
Dragon: My my, I'm just making this a little more entertaining.
Yusei: Entertaining?
Dragon: Well yeah entertaining for me, I get bored too easily, so I must keep it hype, isn't that right Zmoke?
Zmoke: Affirmative.
Dragon: Mmm I should probably add him some emotions or something...
Jack: Don't kid with us! make your move already!!
Dragon: Silence, let this mind game come into play, as I shall work my way through your senses, and get into you, until finally, you're on the verge of madness! I normal summon Flareth the Dragon King of Flames (Atribute Dark, type Dragon, Level 4, 1900 ATK/1200 DEF) in attack mode!
A dragon made of fire made its way into the field, as its flames ignited the field with its crimson color.
Dragon: Now, when Flareth is normal summoned successfully, I can special summon from my hand a level 4 or lower "Dragon King" monster, but it can't attack this turn, I summon Seidon the Dragon King of Torrents (Atr. Dark, type Dragon, Level 3, 800 ATK/2000 DEF) in defense mode.
A torrent of water suddenly appeared alongside Flareth, taking the form of an aquatic dragon in a defensive stance, growling lightly to itself as it closed its wings as a shield.
Yusei: Dragon Kings? I've never heard of them before.... neither of those Technomancers Zmoke uses...
Jack: It's weird... I've also never heard of them before...
Dragon: It's because they're not of this world.
Leo: What?!?
Luna: He's scaring me...
Aki: Explain yourself, what do you mean exactly "not of this world"?

Dragon: Don't worry Aki... you shall know soon enough... matter of fact, all of you will understand, the terror of the void!
Luna: The... void...?
Luna now shows a face of concern and full horror, as she doesn't senses that the place Dragon mentions as the "void" to be a nice place.
Leo: Don't worry Luna, I won't let him touch you!
Dragon: Can you really hold me back Leo? Fine, I'll let you be the first to taste my power, I activate the second effect of Flareth, when another "Dragon King" is present on the field, I can deal 500 direct damage for each "Dragon King" monster on my side of the field!
Leo: Wh.. what!??
Dragon: Ikuzo! Meteor Flame Bombs!
Flareth rapidly flapped its wings, sending small needle-like projectiles in Leo's direction, Leo covers his face with his arms, as the needles strike him.
Leo: Ahhhh! uh...
Luna: Leo! Are you alright???
Leo: Yeah I'm fine..
Leo and Luna's life points are reduced to 7000 life points while Dragon and Zmoke's life points are increased to 8500 life points.
Yusei: Wait, why did your life points increased?
Dragon: It's the second effect of Seidon, when I inflict damage to my opponent except by battle, I receive half the damage dealt as extra life points.

Crow: That's sick, while Flareth deals damage with his effect, he'll continuously be gaining life points back by the effect of Seidon...
Jack: His monsters are powerful...
Dragon: You haven't seen anything yet! I activate Seidon's first effect, I can banish a monster with "Dragon King" in its name from my deck, and during my stand-by phase, that monster is inmediatly added to my hand. So i think I'll send this card...
Dragon checks his deck and grabs a card, and he inserts the card in a slot in his duel disk.
Dragon: I set 2 cards face-down, and I end my turn.
Leo: This suddenly has become harder... But I won't give in to desperation! I'll show you what I'm all about!
Dragon: This is what I seek! Bring it on boy, show me what you got!
Luna: Good luck Leo!
Leo: Thanks Luna, it's my turn, I draw!!
Jujuju cliffhanger's I don't want this duel to end so soon so I'll keep it here for now and go work in the Pokégods, in the next post I'll give you the dates I'll upload the missing 3 parts of the Pokégods, so stay tuned to us, and yeah, I'll try to be updating material so as to make your while coming here :P

This is it for today, see ya later Underworlders!!
The Koopa King draws nearer...
Rickz Jaggerjaquez